niedziela, 19 stycznia 2014

Dream skill.. *.*

I'd like to read people thoughts..

i knew the truth, don't ask him nothing.
would be fun with this...

if someone was sad that I would like him to comfort...

 could I help people and prevent unpleasant situations...

visit... WORLD.. ♥

I would like to go to Bronx.

It is in this place gave way to hip-hop culture.

my dream is to go there, and then win the battle dance with local dancers.

in the Bronx is a completely different life, the other looking at the world, where dancers  are appreciated.

teacher of life ♥

it isn't ordinary teacher,  the best, one of a kind.

My favorite teacher is my mom. It was she who taught me everything from scratch, she helped me as something I couldn't, she was, she is and she will be..It is the most vital out person in my life, a teacher of life <3

My favourite RAPERs! ♥♥♥

This is my first favourite raper <3 

Zeus (Kamil Rutkowski) (born 18 December 1983 in Łódź) - Polish rapper and music producer.

 Member of the musical group The first million. Along with the band recorded two albums.

My second favourite raper ! 

Kaen (David Henry Starejki) (born July 4, 1988) - Polish rapper. 

Creates since 2000. Member of the formation of RSA Konqrent. He is also a solo artistic activity.

The rapper is wearing a mask because as he says "I want to be recognized in the music, not the face"


Politics is very boring for me.
I wish politicians finally something in our country have changed, for the better.

                                              Polish president Bronislaw komorowski.

Possessions.. ?!

Hm.. possessions...

My house is the best possessions I've ever seen. ;))

It's sufficiently large.. I have 3 bedroom, 1 livingroom, 2 bathroom(one bothroom is very big), 1 TVroom, and 1 big kitchen. ;) My house is duplex. 
<My room is very colorful, becouse there are graffiti.. <3 My livingroom is huge, but cosy. 

tasty healthy and ready ;))

Sheep cheese with potatoes

a few slices of potatoes cooked in their skins 
2 small oscypki or golka 
2 tablespoons minced smoked bacon 
1 tablespoon olive oil 

On the hot oil and fry the bacon fat wytapiającym 
fry potatoes. Cheese fry or zgrillować. In the hot potatoes 
lay hot cheese. 

dangerous.. *_____*

never experienced something dangerous...

unless you fall into this fall on the head when taking the pyramid to match... it's very horrible experience..
since then I am afraid to do something "not on my feet"... but unfortunately sometimes I have to try, street dance from me so requires...



I love it for a long time. I grew up dancing <3

I dance for 12 years already, and didn't imagine my life without it. Dancing is part of me.

Since quite recently, I fell in love street dance. since then, my life revolves around hip hop..

My favourite film !!!

Let me tell something about my favourite film because I don't read books.
my favorite movie is 3 meters above the sky... is very lovely film.. This film is about love between two different people. She's from a good family, he would rather everything is somewhere and going to Sponta. However, the feeling is real..

"the most interesting"

The greatest place I've ever seen was PARIS Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower is very very very big ;) I was surprised that such a structure was established in order to win some of the architectural competition.

View of Paris at night, with the Eiffel Tower was phenomenal.

♥♥♥ I think that Paris is the most wonderful place on earth. ♥♥♥

the best ♥♥♥

Oh.. My the best day.. Hm.. 

#I don't have the best day of my life. Each day is different and always there are any good and bad side.
Everyone has different requirements to the best day in the life.

<< Friends, family, dance, music and love. >> It is my the best day. !